Home Live Review Snapshots: Thievery Corporation @ 9:30 Club — 12/16/16

Snapshots: Thievery Corporation @ 9:30 Club — 12/16/16


Thievery Corporation @ 9:30 Club, Washington DC, 12/16/2016
Thievery Corporation performs at the 9:30 Club on Friday, Dec. 16, 2016 (Photo by Paivi)

Thievery Corporation will release a new studio album, The Temple of I & I, on Feb. 10, 2017, via their own ESL Music. In the run-up to that release, Eric Hilton and Rob Garza recruited collaborators new and old for a 20th anniversary tour, which culminated in three sold-out shows at the 9:30 Club on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday last week.

Although the duo discussed their new songs in press interviews along and between their tour dates, their setlists eschewed new material in favor of a set of well-received and well-known selections, including “Culture of Fear,” “Ghetto Matrix,” “Amerimaka,” “Lebanese Blonde,” and “The Richest Man in Babylon.” Eric and Rob appeared along with vocalists Loulou Ghelichkhani and Natalia Clavier along with bassist Ashish Vyas, guitarist Rob Myers, and others.

I suspect we will be left to hear the new songs from Thievery Corporation in the second half of next year after the band tour Europe in February and March. Meanwhile, here are some photos of Thievery Corporation performing at the 9:30 Club on Friday, Dec. 16, 2016 (all photos copyright and compliments of Paivi):

Thievery Corporation @ 9:30 Club, Washington DC, 12/16/2016 Thievery Corporation @ 9:30 Club, Washington DC, 12/16/2016
Thievery Corporation @ 9:30 Club, Washington DC, 12/16/2016 Thievery Corporation @ 9:30 Club, Washington DC, 12/16/2016

Thievery Corporation @ 9:30 Club, Washington DC, 12/16/2016 Thievery Corporation @ 9:30 Club, Washington DC, 12/16/2016

Thievery Corporation @ 9:30 Club, Washington DC, 12/16/2016 Thievery Corporation @ 9:30 Club, Washington DC, 12/16/2016

Thievery Corporation @ 9:30 Club, Washington DC, 12/16/2016 Thievery Corporation @ 9:30 Club, Washington DC, 12/16/2016
Thievery Corporation @ 9:30 Club, Washington DC, 12/16/2016
All photos by Paivi, view full gallery on flickr.



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