Home Live Review Don’t Miss: Men Without Hats + China Crisis @ World Café Live,...

Don’t Miss: Men Without Hats + China Crisis @ World Café Live, Philadelphia, Pa., 6/15/15


The new-look Men Without Hats, with iconic frontman Ivan Doroschuk (Photo courtesy Cobraside)

We at ParklifeDC like to do our bit to cover the waterfront as far as bands performing in our fair city.

But sometimes, we just have to get out of town to see some old favorites, you know?

And so it is that on Monday, June 15, we are at the World Café Live in Philadelphia, Pa., for the amazing Men Without Hats, featuring iconic frontman Ivan Doroschuk in what is certain to be an entertaining performance.

About five years ago, Ian recruited a new backing band, and they released a terrific new album in 2012, Love in the Age of War, produced by Dave Ogilvie, who also has famously produced for the likes of Nine Inch Nails and engineered for Carly Rae Jepsen on “Call Me Maybe.”

How satisfying then that Men Without Hats fall squarely between the two – poppy, upbeat and wholly synthy.

I saw the new-look Men Without Hats at the State Theatre on Nov. 29, 2012, and “the new lineup sounded amazing with James Love on guitar and duo synthesizers played by Lou Dawson and Rachel Ashmore — a killer duo with impressive synth skills,” I reported on We Love DC at the time.

I added: But part of the appeal of Men Without Hats is that the songs only fans could name are really terrific songs — songs like “I Like,” “Living in China,” and “Where Do The Boys Go?” The first two appeared along with “The Safety Dance” on the Men Without Hats debut album, Rhythm of Youth in 1982 and still sound sharp today.

Philadelphia, Men Without Hats are worth your time tonight. Because, as the saying goes, we can dance if we want to, and we can leave your friends behind. Everyone wants to “Safety Dance,” and Men Without Hats are certain to fulfill that desire.

Watch the very famous video for “Safety Dance”:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjPau5QYtYs]

Men Without Hats appear with New Romantic Brits China Crisis. Tickets are available online and at the door.

Men Without Hats + China Crisis
World Café Live
3025 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Monday, June 15
Doors @7pm; Show @8pm
All ages


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