Home Around Town Around Town: Nerds in NoMa Speaker Series, 3/15/16

Around Town: Nerds in NoMa Speaker Series, 3/15/16



Next Tuesday, March 15th, come out for the third session of the Nerds in NoMa Speaker Series.

The topic is ‘Urban Adventure’, a look at how to find an adventure in the city that is right for you.

It will be moderated by Matt Liddle of REI. (You know I love REI!)

With the following panelists:

I went to the session on February 16th, on “Who’s Art”, and heard some lively debate and interesting tidbits on social art in DC, with updates on current and future projects, all while snacking from a bag of popcorn and sipping a cold beer. There was a decent crowd on hand to listen to the panelists share their experiences and opinions. With a little more word of mouth and a topic of greater interest (to me), it might just be full this time.


Register for the free event here.

They still have free beer and popcorn!

Future sessions

4/19 – Capital Climate Change

Nerds in NoMa Speaker Series
Session 3 (of 4): Urban Adventure
The Lobby Project (1200 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002)
Tuesday, March 15
All ages


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