Home Preview Ticket Giveaway: The Flesh Eaters @ Union Stage, 3/16/19

Ticket Giveaway: The Flesh Eaters @ Union Stage, 3/16/19


FleshEatersone-of-best-band-fotos-2018 Photo credit Frank Lee Drennen
The Flesh Eaters, including Bill Bateman (The Blasters), Chris D. (frontman), John Doe (X), Dave Alvin, Steve Berlin (Los Lobos), and DJ Bonebrake (X) (Photo by Frank Lee Drennen)

The classic lineup of The Flesh Eaters — consisting of John Doe, DJ Bonebrake, Dave Alvin, Bill Bateman, Steve Berlin, and Chris D — has reunited and published a new album, I Used to Be Pretty, released in January via Yep Roc Records. And The Flesh Eaters are touring with a show at Union Stage on Saturday, March 16. You can win tickets to go with Parklife DC.

The Flesh Eaters initially united to showcase the works of founder Chris Desjardins (aka Chris D.) in 1977, and this celebrated lineup first formed in 1981. The band recently released a video for the new song “My Life to Live.”

Chris D. said, “I originally wrote ‘My Life to Live’ back in 1982, that version appearing on the third Flesh Eaters album called Forever Came Today. It’s a love song, but it’s coming from a fierce place, full of contradictions. I wrote the lyrics about someone I was deeply in love with then and for several years thereafter. She would come to every Flesh Eaters show and even now is still a fan and a friend. At the time, she had another boyfriend, but there was a window of time where she seemed poised to get together with me. I got conflicting signals and behavior from her about the situation. Most of her girlfriends saw me as the dark, intellectual weirdo and the other guy as a more agreeable, normal choice.

“So it was a frustrating situation for about six months or so, before she gravitated back to him exclusively. When you’re in your late twenties/early thirties, I think some of us have a more straightforward, direct approach to going after who we want as a mate, ignoring certain perspectives on personality and relationship ‘wisdom’ acquired from experience that we might solidify later. The video is aimed at a younger generation, but it still gets that feeling across of holding on uncompromisingly to an ideal or a dream, no matter what the cost. Sometimes — like at the end of the video when an older embodiment of the character has to let go of his beloved truck — we don’t always have a choice and dreams are destroyed by forces beyond our control. This whole idea also fits in the with the I Used to Be Pretty album title, aging physically, but still emotionally in a ‘younger,’ more idealistic place.”

Watch the official music video for “My Life to Live” by The Flesh Eaters on YouTube:

Parklife DC is giving away a pair of tickets to see The Flesh Eaters at Union Stage. To win, simply leave a comment on this blog. You can leave any comment, but we would like to know your favorite song by The Flesh Eaters or any of the band’s individual members.

For the rules of this giveaway–

Comments will close at 5pm on Tuesday, and we will randomly select a winner. We will notify the winner by email. The winner must respond to our email within 24 hours, or they will forfeit the tickets, and we will pick another winner. We will email you instructions on claiming your ticket. Good luck!

Oh, and hey, the opening act is Porcupine (featuring Greg Norton of Husker Du).

If you don’t win, buy your tickets online.

The Flesh Eaters
w/ Procupine
Union Stage
Saturday, March 16
Doors @ 7pm
All ages


  1. As a long-time fan of the Blasters and Los Lobos, this collaberation sounds dynamite. Seeing a Greg Norton-fronted band would be icing on the cake.

    Since I don’t know this band’s music, I’ll just say my favorite Blasters song is “Trouble Bound”, from the Dave Alvin days.

  2. Pretty excited that these guys are touring the east coast! I like the new video for My Life to Live and new music is always welcome for this band!


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