Home Around Town Around Town: NIVA’s Call to Action

Around Town: NIVA’s Call to Action



The National Independent Venue Association (NIVA) recently wrote to Congress to press for federal financial relief for music venues, which were “the first to close” and likely “the last to reopen” among businesses shuttered during the national pandemic.

NIVA is further urging individuals to take action and send a video or letter to their members of congress.

On its website, NIVA proves a template for a letter constituents may send to their federal representatives on the importance of live music venues.

The copy of the letter is below, but visit NIVA’s website for more information and interactive tools.


I’m writing to you today as your constituent, community member, and a music lover. For all those reasons, I ask you to support the National Independent Venue Association’s (NIVA) effort in Washington to protect independent venues and promoters in this time of existential crisis.

Every day in conversations, on the news, and especially in our social media feeds we see wildly hyperbolic messaging. But the reality of this one is that if concerts don’t resume in 2020, 90% of independent venues across America will most likely not open again. Ever. Including the venues in our community.

Of course this is terrible for music lovers but this affects so many more angles. Independent music venues are economic multipliers, community builders, and beloved institutions. A Chicago study estimated that $1 spent at a small venue resulted in $12 of economic activities for neighboring restaurants, hotels and retail shops – and we believe that level of financial contribution is consistent in cities and towns across America. What would our communities look like without them? We must ensure their survival.

Rolling Stone did a pretty in depth piece last Wednesday and I wanted to make sure this was on your radar. It includes NIVA’s letter to Congressional leadership.


Thank you for your extremely hard work for our state and our country in these absolutely uncharted times.

Visit NIVA to take action!



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