Home Around Town Around Town: Streetfilms Features Two of DC’s Bike Lanes

Around Town: Streetfilms Features Two of DC’s Bike Lanes

Around Town: Streetfilms Features Two of DC’s Bike Lanes

19.PennsylvaniaAvenueBikeLane.NW.WDC.4July2011Biking on Pennsylvania Ave

Streetfilms put together a couple of videos featuring DC’s bike lanes. They produce short films showing how smart transportation design and policy can result in better places to live, work and play.

One video takes you on a journey of the protected bike lane along 1st Street NE (which goes by Union Station).

[vimeo 141968633 w=500 h=281]Washington D.C.’s Protected Bike Lane Treatments on 1st Street from STREETFILMS.


The second video looks at how the Pennsylvania Avenue bike lane came about.

[vimeo 142332258 w=500 h=281]

D.C.’s Pennsylvania Avenue Bike Lane Story (with Gabe Klein) from STREETFILMS.


The Word of the Day is:

Armadillo (or zebras): those black and white barriers used to prevent cars and taxis from pulling U-turns. (Note: The DDOT had stopped using these on Penn Avenue, but they are back.)


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