Home Live Review Don’t Miss: Aurora @ U Street Music Hall, 4/21/16

Don’t Miss: Aurora @ U Street Music Hall, 4/21/16


Aurora (Photo courtesy Glassnote Records)

Norwegian singer Aurora Aksnes has been taking the US airwaves by storm with the release of her debut full-length album, All My Demons Greeting Me as a Friend (released March 11 via Decca Records), and her subsequent television appearances leading up to a North American tour that stops at U Street Music Hall on Thursday, April 21.

To no one’s surprise, our local show has sold out! And those who have tickets will enjoy the 19-year-old Aurora’s lyrically rich art-pop sensibilities. She likes to sing in metaphors relating to battles with songs like “Conquerer” and “Warrior” and often takes a look at the dark side of the human condition with songs like “Running with the Wolves,” a song of escape, and “Murder Song (5,4,3,2,1),” a story of a mercy killing perhaps but ultimately about loss.

Ultimately, where Aurora makes her mark, however, is with her voice, unique in its haunting timber.

Watch the official music video for “Conquerer” by Aurora on YouTube:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmVAmlpbnD4]

Said Aurora in press notes on the song, “I know that I’m very sensitive. In many ways, I’m weak. But if you’re weak, you’re also very strong. Because you need to work a bit harder to survive as well… You have to find the conqueror in yourself at first, I think. That’s what I think about in the song. It’s just a person who hasn’t realized that yet. That person is still trying to find the conqueror in someone else. You have to find the conqueror in yourself to land on your own feet. You are the only one you need to survive. Then other people will make your life a good life as well. It’s important to be strong in yourself.”

Singer/songwriter Tor Miller from New York opens for Aurora. The show is sold out.

w/ Tor Miller
U Street Music Hall
Thursday, April 21
Doors @7pm
All ages


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