Home Around Town Around Town: First Beer @ Snallygaster 2016, 9/17/16

Around Town: First Beer @ Snallygaster 2016, 9/17/16


Beer Day 04Beers at Atlas Brew Works (Photo Credit: Mickey McCarter)

The fifth edition of Snallygaster is coming fast to The Yards on Saturday, September 17th. By all accounts, this year looks to be even bigger and better, with 351 beers currently listed and a fine music lineup.

Of those 351 beers, 64 will make their DC debut at Snallygaster. Even more reason to join, be among the first DC denizens to experience the new tastes.

With only three days before the big dance, we highlight a couple of beers we look forward to trying.

Mickey’s Beer of the Day: Atlas Dance of Days, Wheat Ale (Dry-Hopped), ABV 5.7%
Man, it’s hot out there today. What better time than to reach for a refreshing wheat beer. Why, back in the day, I discovered Bell’s Oberon, which became a standby for days like this as it combines two favorite styles: pale ale and wheat. But wait! DC’s own Atlas Brew Works rolled out its Dance of Days this summer, making my new favorite pale wheat. Atlas dry hops Dance of Days, named for a song by ‘80s DC punk band Embrace, with Mosaic and Citra hops. I remember how excited I was to drink my first one at Smoke and Barrel with my friends Christine and Jason early in August. How refreshing to think of drinking it again!

Jeremy’s Beer of the Day: 3 Stars & Charm City Two Headed Unicorn, Barrel-Aged Sour Blond Ale, ABV 6.5%
Let’s stay local. Snallygaster will feature 27 beers from DC breweries, including 3 Stars, Atlas, DC Brau, Bluejacket, District Chophouse, Hellbender and Right Proper. I chose the Two Headed Unicorn even though I have a love/hate relationship with sour beers. I’ve tried a few that I wish I hadn’t, and a few that I absolutely loved. Earlier this year, while at 3 Stars’ tasting room, I tried the Ricky Rosé sour beer and walked away wanting more. So now I’m intrigued by this new sour collaboration beer by 3 Stars and Charm City. Charm City, out of Baltimore, makes mead in bourbon oak casks. This sour blonde ale is barrel-aged with honey, and Snallygaster will mark the first time it’s available in DC. I may have competition just getting a sample.

Make your own beer list.

Get your tickets here.

Snallygaster 2016
The Yards (1300 First Street Southeast, Washington, DC 20003)
Saturday, September 17, 2016
1-6pm (VIP 11:30am-6pm)
$35 (VIP $60 SOLD OUT)


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