Home Live Review Snapshots: Ego Likeness @ Metro Gallery (Baltimore, Md.) — 4/7/16

Snapshots: Ego Likeness @ Metro Gallery (Baltimore, Md.) — 4/7/16


Ego Likeness @Metro Gallery, Baltimore 4/7/2017Donna Lynch of Ego Likeness performs at Metro Gallery on April 7, 2017. (photo by Paivi)

Ego Likeness headlined a big show of dark electronic music in Baltimore on Friday, enlisting the assistance of Technophobia, Nahja Mora, Stars and the Sea, Fun Never Starts, and DJs Sex Charges and Candy Corn to fill out the bill at Metro Gallery.

The industrial quartet have not announced additional shows, so Friday’s outing appears to be a one-time show for now. Ego Likeness published their last full-length album, When the Wolves Return, in 2015 on Metropolis Records.

Here are some photos of Ego Likeness performing at Metro Gallery on Friday, April 7, 2017. (All photos copyright and courtesy of Paivi.)

Ego Likeness @Metro Gallery, Baltimore 4/7/2017 Ego Likeness @Metro Gallery, Baltimore 4/7/2017

Ego Likeness @Metro Gallery, Baltimore 4/7/2017 Ego Likeness @Metro Gallery, Baltimore 4/7/2017
Ego Likeness @Metro Gallery, Baltimore 4/7/2017 Ego Likeness @Metro Gallery, Baltimore 4/7/2017

Ego Likeness @Metro Gallery, Baltimore 4/7/2017

All photos by Paivi


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