Home Local Spotlight Preview: Aaron Shneyer @ Pearl Street Warehouse — 7/8/23

Preview: Aaron Shneyer @ Pearl Street Warehouse — 7/8/23

Aaron Shneyer
DC musician Aaron Shneyer hosts an album release event for Love Rebellion at Pearl Street Warehouse on July 8, 2023. (Photo courtesy the artist)

DC-based soul/roots musician Aaron Shneyer recently released his new album Love Rebellion, which culminates a 12-year journey jumping worlds between Israelis and Palestinians, jumping to some other continents, meeting himself, and finding life’s partner.

Aaron holds his official album release concert at Pearl Street Warehouse in DC’s The Wharf on Saturday, July 8. He will be joined on stage by a powerhouse group of DC’s finest jazz, gospel, funk, world music, and reggae musicians.

The 11 songs on the Love Rebellion album share dreams of love and freedom from war. He wrote them over 10 years while living and working in Jerusalem, building music-dialogue programs for Israeli and Palestinian youth.

Listen to Aaron Shneyer’s new album, Love Rebellion, on Spotify.

Arriving back home in DC with a pile of unfinished tracks, Aaron worked with some of the world’s finest to bring this album to life: Charlie Pilzer and Don Godwin at Tonal Park Studios, Mark Smulian in Bristol, UK, Reggie Truxon, Mosche Music Snowden, Robin Ghertner, Rami Nakhleh, Danny Schwartz, and Eli Lev.

In his EPK, Aaron describes Love Rebellion as, “An invitation to imagine what the world would be like if we love with the full force of the world’s strongest armies. And it’s also got some pretty funky grooves.”

The album is life’s defining creative project so far, and he is very excited to share it the audience at Pearl Street Warehouse on July 8.

Buy your tickets online now!

Aaron Shneyer
w/ Deaf Dog and the Indictments
Album Release Concert
Pearl Street Warehouse
Saturday, July 8
Doors @ 7pm
21+ only


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