Home Live Review Live Review: Lindsey Stirling w/ Walk Off the Earth @ The Anthem...

Live Review: Lindsey Stirling w/ Walk Off the Earth @ The Anthem — 8/17/24

Lindsey Stirling
Lindsey Stirling performs at The Anthem in DC on August 17, 2024. (Photo by James Todd Miller)

Arriving at Lindsey Stirling’s recent show at The Anthem, I must admit I did not know what to fully expect — and I left a huge fan.

After 90 minutes-plus of mind-bending, sophisticated violin playing (and fantastic choreography), I was a full convert to her amazing musicianship and theatrical performance. Her violin playing and dance-oriented songs are some of the finest I have ever seen.

At The Anthem on August 17, Lindsey performed in support of her latest album, Duality. Duality is a very personal album that seeks to unleash some of Stirling’s trials and tribulations thrown at her over the last few years in sensational fashion, and her desire to give off the positive energy needed to push herself to higher limits.

Duality opens with one of the finest tracks on the album, “Evil Twin,” which was filmed with the Egyptian pyramids as the backdrop in the official video release. Lindsey played the song in the middle of her set at The Anthem.

Watch the official music video for “Evil Twin” by Linsey Stirling on YouTube:

Fans at the show enjoyed a solid night of uplifting music, with a feeling of a major production of song, dance, and light as one would think about seeing at the Kennedy Center but performed to the highest caliber at The Anthem, one of the finest mid-range venues in the USA at this time. Sensational dancing choreographed with upbeat tempos while playing violin in synch provided a combination of music and dance that left everyone in a euphoric and inspired state of being. Each song played from the new album was outstanding standing alone but became even bigger as part of the grand production of light, music, and dance.

Lindsey dances and swirls about the stage in highly intricate dance numbers while playing difficult pieces on violin, whether on the surface of the stage or high in the air above the platform.

Before Lindsey fully took the stage by storm, Walk Off the Earth with brilliant vocalist Sarah Blackwood played a phenomenal set with Lindsey joining them for a song. Walk Off the Earth was highly entertaining, with great vocals, blends of music and stage movement to match while doing great covers of Toto’s “Africa,” Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams,” and a music medley combination of some of the best tracks the Beatles ever performed including “Love Me Do,” “Yesterday,” “All You Need Is Love,” “Hello Goodbye,” “Hey Jude,” “Here Comes the Sun,” and “Let It Be.” Sarah was a force on vocals, just as Lindsey was on violin. Together, they performed dynamic, quality work.

Lindsey, off of a three- year relationship that went astray, played an enduring and sensational concert with upbeat, Celtic-influenced songs that seemed to provide a powerful backdrop for individuals confronting life’s positives and negatives and coming out the other side with a new energized approach to fulfilling a destiny. This concert was a night of hope accentuated with the power of the music and dance from Duality. The new album and tour also give listeners the strength to come to terms with the controlling forces in life, letting go, and then living the life you are destined for, or at least the life you seek to have as discussed by Lindsey with high sincerity.

After playing several sensational pieces in the first half of the show, Stirling walked out of the darkness and asked the crowd “are you sleeping” in a very joking manner getting a great crowd response. Stirling went on to describe her struggles with being a touring artist and getting to a point in life where she could allow the anxiety to diminish by letting go of the forces that control to gain a better control of her own life and career. Stirling advised that she had reached a point touring where she felt the ovations were not enough to sustain her and she was left feeling that she had disappointed.

Stream Duality by Lindsey Stirling on Spotify:

It was at this time where she met with a therapist to discuss her inner struggles at which point the therapist encouraged her to quit being an observer of her own creativity and to enjoy and relish this experience. Stirling responded. Duality is a prime example of the quality of work achievable with such positive musical direction. Stirling has taken control of fears and anxieties with better breath work as she discussed while leading the audience thru breathing exercises that helps one create a more relaxed state that leads to less nervousness and decreased anxieties. The efforts also helped the audience relax and enjoy the total concert experience and provided more intimate time between artist and audience.

Arguably, the biggest part of the night besides the excellent song and dance occurred when Stirling had her dancers bring out several puppies from the Wolf Trap Animal Rescue that were in fact up for adoption. Stirling emphasized that you could adopt the puppies but not the dancers to a nice roar back from the audience. Stirling informed the audience that her own dog named Luna had helped save her life.

Stirling brought closure to a stellar evening of song, dance, and speaking with the audience by bringing out Sarah Blackwell for a song before concluding the show with a great encore. Stirling finished by stating that she and band were grateful for all the support of the audience which allows them to do what they love with playing music emphasizing that you can’t always take the bad parts away in life, but you can surely add the light for choosing the good life.

Catch Lindsey Stirling on tour near you!

Here are some photos of Walk Off the Earth opening Lindsey Stirling at The Anthem on August 17, 2024. All pictures copyright and courtesy of James Todd Miller.


Here are some photos of Lindsey Stirling headlining The Anthem on August 17, 2024. All pictures copyright and courtesy of James Todd Miller.

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