Hey folks!
We here at Parklife DC get really busy, and we are hoping to get even busier! To that end, we are seeking fellow bloggers to contribute entries on subjects of your expertise!
We maintain a number of categories on the blog, and we welcome contributions to all of them:
Around Town – happenings around DC
Food Park – happenings in DC restaurants and food
Grapevine – news from other DC sources
Memory Lane – history lessons from DC (great for discussing Library of Congress, anniversaries, etc.)
Music Park – happenings at DC music venues and local bands
News Reel – local DC news happenings
Photo Reel – photos of interest in DC
Sports Park – happenings with DC sports teams and activities
Stars and Bars – happenings in DC bars and spirits
Submitted for Your Approval – odd or unusual happenings around DC
Should you like to write for us, contact Mickey at mickey@parklifedc.com. We’re looking for weekly or even daily contributions, typically 300-600 words in length. And by contributions, I’m afraid that I mean no one here actually gets paid, but you do get to go around town, show off your subject matter expertise and maintain rights to your work after we publish it first.
We look forward to hearing from you.