Home Around Town Sports Park: Washington Kastles 2016 @ Smith Center, 8/10 & 8/13/16

Sports Park: Washington Kastles 2016 @ Smith Center, 8/10 & 8/13/16


Washington Kastles

Your Washington Kastles, of the World TeamTennis (WTT) league, have two remaining home matches this week at the Smith Center at George Washington University.

First, the Kastles play the 1st place San Diego Aviators, who already beat them 21-15 on August 6th.

The last match of the season is against the Orange County Breakers on August 13th, who also beat the Kastles 25-10 on August 5th. Rough weekend.

Yet the Kastles are still the defending champions (five times in a row!) and command respect. Don’t count them out! They look to finish the season strong, even at 3-4 (with 5 matches left) they do have their work cut out to qualify for the Mylan WTT Finals once again.

WTT: San Diego Aviators at Washington Kastles
Kastles Stadium at the Smith Center (600 22nd Street NW Washington, DC 20052)
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
All ages

WTT: Orange County Breakers at Washington Kastles
Kastles Stadium at the Smith Center (600 22nd Street NW Washington, DC 20052)
Saturday, August 13, 2016
All ages


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