Home Live Review Ticket Giveaway: Violent Femmes @ 9:30 Club, 7/9/17

Ticket Giveaway: Violent Femmes @ 9:30 Club, 7/9/17


ViolentFemmes_EbruYildiz Violent Femmes (Photo by Ebru Yildiz)

You can all just kiss off into the air/
Behind my back I can see them stare/
They’ll hurt me bad but I won’t mind/
They’ll hurt me bad they do it all the time

Violent Femmes went down in history on the strength of songs like “Kiss Off” from their 1983 self-titled debut album. Last year, the gents demonstrated again their staying power with the release of their ninth studio album, We Can Do Anything, published with PIAS. Violent Femmes have been touring the world, and they arrive in DC again to perform at 9:30 Club on Sunday, July 9. You can win tickets to go with Parklife DC!

The new album from Violent Femmes, their first in 15 years, won critical praise as Rolling Stone embraced the single “Issues.” “The darkly humorous black-and-white clip depicts two drawn characters in a relatable relationship,” wrote Rolling Stone, “where issues are tearing them apart… However, it’s those same issues that also spark intrigue and bring the couple together for some inevitable (and funny) stick-figure makeup sex.”

Watch the official music video for “Issues” by Violent Femmes on YouTube:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-TfEmrMfbo]

Parklife DC is giving away a pair of tickets to see Violent Femmes at 9:30 Club. To win, simply leave a comment on this blog. You can leave any comment, but we would like to know your favorite song by Violent Femmes.

For the rules of this giveaway–

Comments will be closed at 5pm on Friday, and a winner will be randomly selected. The winner will be notified by email. The winner must respond to our email within 24 hours, or they will forfeit their tickets and we will pick another winner. We will email you instructions on claiming your ticket. Good luck!

If you don’t win, buy your tickets online.

Violent Femmes
9:30 Club
Sunday, July 9
Doors @ 7pm
All ages




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