This Way to the Egress perform at HarFest 2017. (Photo by Chester Simpson)
Sleepy Creek actually started over 10 years ago as a house party on the hill at the venue owners’ property in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia every Apple Butter Weekend.
Danny Moore (Festival Director) and Cyndi and Dave Zembower (Venue Owners) used to also attend festivals together and fantasize about throwing their own. Well one day, the owners bought a campground on the river down from their home, called up Danny, and the rest was history.
Together, they hoped to provide a festival scene that resembled all the things they used to love and enjoy about the various events and festivals they knew best. The small family-friendly vibe was a must. In the end, you can definitely say Sleepy Creek is put together with a lot of love and hard work. And all they ask in return is that you enjoy it!
See the results for yourself in the latest Sleepy Creek Harfest, which was held on Oct. 6-8 for its fourth year in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia.
Here’s Danny Moore (with guitar) and his Sleepy Creek Family that puts on the Festivals.
Friends at Sleepy Creek!
Brokedown Hustlers with Danny Moore: Discover music by Brokedown Hustlers at https://www.brokedownhustlers.com.
Mountain Sprout Band performing on stage.
Mountain Sprout Band posing for a picture.
Mateo Monk and his dog. Get more of Mateo at http://www.mateomonkmusic.com.
Campgrounds at Sleepy Creek Harfest 2017.
Megan Jean and the KFB: Look up Megan Jean at http://www.meganjean.net!
Grand Ole’ Ditch. Dig more of the ‘Ditch at http://www.grandoleditch.com.
Dance crowd at Sleepy Creek.
Bonfire Jam!
This Way to the Egress with Toobie Doo (tuba, vocals, power tools, safety coordinator). This way to their website –> http://thiswaytotheegress.com.
Strung Like A Horse: Hear them at http://www.strunglikeahorse.com.
Cabinet: http://www.cabinetmusic.com
The Plate Scrapers closed out the night with a bonfire jam. Jame with them at http://www.theplatescrapers.com.
For more on Danny Moore and Sleepy Creek Presents, visit https://www.sleepycreekpresents.com.