Home Live Review Don’t Miss: Sleigh Bells @ 9:30 Club — 2/14/17

Don’t Miss: Sleigh Bells @ 9:30 Club — 2/14/17


Sleigh Bells (Photo courtesy Grandstand Media)

What better way to spend Valentine’s Day than to enjoy some REALLY LOUD GOOD MUSIC? If you agree, Sleigh Bells have you covered, as they come thumping back into DC for a show on Wednesday, Feb. 14 at 9:30 Club.

The Brooklyn noise pop duo recently released Kid Kruschev, a new EP, on their own label, Torn Clean. Vocalist Alexis Krauss and guitarist Derek Miller have been making music since 2008, publishing four full-length albums and two EPS in that time.

In a statement, Derek discussed the new record: “Doesn’t feel like the sky is falling, feels more like it fell. Maybe a long time ago and it’s just more obvious now. Lots of friction and darkness as well as opposition to all that, which has been inspiring to see. Alexis moved north of Brooklyn recently, somewhere with trees and cliffs, providing us with a new space to write and record without pissing off neighbors, so that’s what we’ve been doing. We didn’t want to wait another year or two to release something. We like the idea of putting out shorter records at a more consistent rate, so we’re gonna give it a shot for a while, see how it feels. Thanks for listening. Take care.”

Watch the official music video for “And Saints” by Sleigh Bells on YouTube:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jf1WBqNpmc]

“Like everyone else, Sleigh Bells are feeling the weight of the world in 2017. Their lean new mini-album has more thematic cohesion than their previous releases and also a surprising tenderness,” said Pitchfork of the results.

The “mini-album” falls on the heels of Jessica Rabbit, their fourth studio album, published in November 2016 as the inaugural release on Torn Clean. It also marks a continued evolution in sound for the pair, known for their sonic blasts of breathy vocals and metal riffs.

Fall in love with Sleigh Bells anew on Valentine’s Day! Buy your tickets online.

Sleigh Bells
w/ Sunflower Bean
9:30 Club
Wednesday, Feb. 14
Doors @ 7pm
All ages


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