Home Around Town Don’t Miss: Parklife DC Team Meet @ DC9, 4/7/18

Don’t Miss: Parklife DC Team Meet @ DC9, 4/7/18


Blog (Photo by airpix)

Most nights, your Parklife DC bloggers are hard at work reviewing and photographing music concerts in case you weren’t there or you want to relive a glorious night out. Well, we’re taking a break to catch up with each other. Want to join us? We’re meeting at DC9 for happy hour at 5pm on Saturday, April 7.

Are you in a band? Do you work for a club? Would you like to talk to Parklife DC about coverage of your band or club? Here’s your opportunity to chat with us in person!

Are you a blogger or photographer who would like to contribute to Parklife DC? Meet us and talk about the possibilities over a drink!

Perhaps you’re an avid reader with opinions as to what we should do next! Well, drop by and toss an idea or two our way.

Because we usually ask you to watch a music video, catch the official music video of “Up All Night” by Beck, who has two upcoming sold-out shows at The Anthem on April 26-27, on YouTube:

We’ll gather on the roof of DC9 on Saturday, April 5, at 5pm. Happy hour prices will be in effect on the roof until 7pm.

RSVP on Facebook or meet us there!

Parklife DC Team Meet
Saturday, April 7
Happy hour @ 5pm
Free to join


  1. This sounds like fun. However, I live in Md., work downtown, and usually don’t come downtown on weekends (except for music, of course).

    It’s a great idea, and I hope you make it an occasional gig.



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