Home Live Review Snapshots: Gaz Coombes @ City Winery — 10/4/18

Snapshots: Gaz Coombes @ City Winery — 10/4/18


Gas Coombes performs at the City Winery in Washington, D.C.
Gaz Coombes performs at City Winery DC on Oct. 4, 2018. (Photo by Kyle Gustafson)

It’s easy to look at the numbers and surmise that Supergrass peaked with their debut album, I Should Coco, in 1995 — and afterward began a slow but steady slide down the charts, but that wouldn’t do justice to the band’s subsequent albums, all excellent in their on way.

Their sophomore album, In It for the Money, is probably my favorite, but it’s 2005’s more diverse Road to Rouen that I listen to most frequently. The more mature, acoustic-leaning songwriting eventually paved the way for lead singer’s Gaz Coombes three solo albums. The latest, World’s Strongest Man, brought him to DC’s City Winery last Thursday.

The 15-song set focused equally on his latest album and 2015’s excellent Matador, with an acoustic version of that album’s title track starting the night off. Gaz switched to the piano a few songs later for the funny and introspective “Shit, I’ve Done it Again,” and later got the crowd going with a peppy version of “Deep Pockets” on his electric guitar.

Gaz was cheery and talkative in between songs, reminiscing about old gigs in the DC area, including meeting Dave Grohl for the first time when Supergrass opened for the Foo Fighters at the 9:30 Club. Fittingly, Coombes ended his set with “Moving,” the second single from his former band’s 1999 eponymous album.

Here are some pictures of Gaz Coombes performing at City Winery on Oct. 4, 2018. All photos copyright and courtesy of Kyle Gustafson.

Gas Coombes performs at the City Winery in Washington, D.C.

Gas Coombes performs at the City Winery in Washington, D.C.

Gas Coombes performs at the City Winery in Washington, D.C.

Gas Coombes performs at the City Winery in Washington, D.C.

Gas Coombes performs at the City Winery in Washington, D.C.

Gas Coombes performs at the City Winery in Washington, D.C.

Gas Coombes performs at the City Winery in Washington, D.C.

Gas Coombes performs at the City Winery in Washington, D.C.

Gas Coombes performs at the City Winery in Washington, D.C.

Hot Fruit
White Noise
Shit (I’ve Done It Again)
Wounded Egos
Seven Walls
Deep Pockets
Oxygen Mask
The Girl Who Fell To Earth

Slow Motion Life
Walk The Walk


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