Home Live Review Snapshots: Deerhunter @ Ottobar — 3/3/19

Snapshots: Deerhunter @ Ottobar — 3/3/19


Deerhunter-7_304534 Bradford Cox fronts Deerhunter at Ottobar on March 3, 2019. (Photo by Jason Nicholson)

Deerhunter hit 9:30 Club and then Ottobar over the weekend, and Jason Nicholson took in both shows! Here, he shares some photos of Deerhunter at the band’s recent show at Ottobar.

According to the band, “Deerhunter’s eighth LP Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared? forgets the questions and makes up unrelated answers. It gets up, walks around, it records itself in several strategic geographic points across North America. It comes home, restructures itself and goes back to bed to avoid the bad news.”

As you can imagine, the accompanying Ottobar performance on March 3 was a highly entertaining one indeed.

Stream Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared? by Deerhunter on Spotify:

Deerhunter frontman Bradford Cox and company released Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared? in January, and the Atlanta band soon took it on the road. The band drew more than half the show from their latest effort, performing songs including “Death in Midsummer,” “No One’s Sleeping,” and “Futurism.”

“Disappeared rewires many of Deerhunter’s aural hallmarks. The band has often sounded either gently sprawling, as on Fading Frontier and Halcyon Digest, or aggressive and claustrophobic, as on Monomania. Here, they manage to hit both moods at once,” Pitchfork said of the results.

At Ottobar, the band also favored its 2010 album, Halcyon Digest, with “Helicopter,” “Desire Lines,” and “Coronado.”

Here are some pictures of Deerhunter performing at Ottobar on March 3, 2019. All photos copyright and courtesy of Jason Nicholson.

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