Home Stars and Bars Stars and Bars: Beer Sampling @ Right Proper Production and Tasting Room...

Stars and Bars: Beer Sampling @ Right Proper Production and Tasting Room (Brookland)


Right ProperRight Proper in Brookland

I finally had the chance to check out Right Proper’s Production House and Tasting Room in Brookland, which opened in late November 2015.

Upon entering, you’re greeted with an eclectic mix of artwork and well-appointed wood trim around the cozy bar and long tables.

However, the first thing you notice is just how small the space is for something with the potential to draw roving bands of hipsters and beer aficionados.

And on a Saturday afternoon it was packed, indeed almost sardine-style.

The bar itself is quite nice with wood paneling and enough space for 3-4 bartenders to weave easily back and forth slinging much needed suds. Growler bottles line the bar wall, tempting you to buy one.

Near the ceiling, along the windows looking into the production brewery itself, hangs a series of lists of all the bars and restaurants serving Right Proper’s beer. (Note: I noticed it wasn’t an exact match to their website, so could be outdated.)

Right Proper 1

In the production space itself, there is a series of huge tables, that the sardine people looked at enviously. Yet the tables remained unused, with a ‘Staff Only’ sign over the door (or until a tour started at least).

They do give tours every hour until they close, but I didn’t take one this time.

While I tried to find a place to stand, I managed to have samplers of three beers, two long-standing standards and one new offering. There were at least eight different beers on tap that day.

My beer list:

Raised by Wolves – I love the name of this one, but every time I order one, I’m reminded that this is always a little too fruity and aromatic for me, not really my style of beer. Maybe I’ll remember next time!

Häxen – A chocolaty and almost smoky beer. Not quite as intense as some strong porters, and easier to drink. I like dark beers, especially porters and stouts, and since Right Proper doesn’t do a lot of them, this one is typically among my favorites.

Baron Corvo – A new beer they offered, in the style of Biére de Garde. Not too familiar with that style, but it was dark and rich, with a small hint of spice and I felt slightly happy after tasting all of it. Hopefully this one will appear more often.


It is pretty much a given that I’ll be back. Will I see you there?

Right Proper 2


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