Home Around Town Around Town: Third Beer @ Snallygaster 2016, 9/17/16

Around Town: Third Beer @ Snallygaster 2016, 9/17/16


snallygasterCheers! (Photo Credit: theupper)

Friends, Snallygaster is a mere day away! Start checking your notes, making your lists and cleansing your palette.

Let’s look at a couple more beers we will be drinking.

Mickey’s Beer of the Day: Wicked Weed Brewing Garçon de Ferme, Foeder-Aged Saison, ABV 6.2%
Perhaps the best block in all of Asheville, North Carolina encompasses 91 Biltmore Ave., where sits the Wicked Weed Brewing Pub. It’s an idyllic street to be sure, and the famous microbrewery sits next to The Orange Peel, Asheville’s answer to the 9:30 Club, adding to the appeal of the location. But lest I forget — those beers! Only this week on Sept. 12, Wicked Weed Brewing officially arrived in the DC metro market, going on sale at various bars around town. Well, they have arrived just in time for the Snallygaster, and while everything they do is good, I’m going to have to reacquaint myself with the Garçon de Ferme, the company’s 6.2% saison. They are quite well-regarded for their saisons down there in Asheville, and this one tastes like peaches and champagne with a big tart nose. Salut, mes amis!

Jeremy’s Beer of the Day: Avery Rumpkin, Barrel-Aged Pumpkin Ale, ABV 18.1%
Ah, let’s take a peek at pumpkin beers! One thing I appreciate about Snallygaster, is that it signifies the beginning of autumn and the season when pumpkin beers start to appear in stores and on tap. I recently visited Colorado and had Avery Brewing Co. on my list of places to visit. Sadly, I didn’t make it that trip (but did find myself in many a brewery in Denver and elsewhere in Colorado). I like Avery’s porter and brown ale, and the sound of rum flavors mixed in with pumpkin (rum barrel-aged – hence Rumpkin) is too much to pass up. I’m not sure how the high ABV will affect the taste (usually I find 18% too much), but I’m willing to find out! Let’s be honest, I’ll probably also try Avery’s Pump(ky)n, an imperial porter with pumpkin spices, and any of the only (!!) 13 pumpkin beers available at Snallygaster.

Make your own beer list.

Get your tickets here.

Snallygaster 2016
The Yards (1300 First Street Southeast, Washington, DC 20003)
Saturday, September 17, 2016
1-6pm (VIP 11:30am-6pm)
$35 (VIP $60 SOLD OUT)



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