Home Live Review Around Town: Ticketfly Down!, 5/31/18

Around Town: Ticketfly Down!, 5/31/18


Update June 3: Individual links to purchase tickets for shows through Ticketfly are now active, and Parklife DC will resume running previews for Ticketfly shows. The main Ticketfly website, and many of its hosted sites, remain down, however.

Concert ticket website Ticketfly.com has been experiencing intermittent problems this week, and today it is down entirely, taking out venue websites with it. This includes websites for 9:30 Club, DC9, Pearl Street Warehouse, and many other DC venues.

Here’s the message Ticketfly posted on its website:

“Following a series of recent issues with Ticketfly properties, we’ve determined that Ticketfly has been the target of a cyber incident. Out of an abundance of caution, we have taken all Ticketfly systems temporarily offline as we continue to look into the issue. We are working to bring our systems back online as soon as possible. Please check back later.

“For information on specific events please check the social media accounts of the presenting venues/promoters to learn more about availability/status of upcoming shows. In many cases, shows are still happening and tickets may be available at the door.”

From IMP, owner of 9:30 Club and The Anthem:

“You may have noticed that we’ve been experiencing some technical difficulties with our websites over the past two days. Ticketfly.com and all Ticketfly-powered websites are affected, including 930.com, TheAnthemDC.com, MerriweatherMusic.com, TheLincolnDC.com, and IMPconcerts.com.

“Ticketfly is working diligently to get all websites back online and working properly. In the meantime, if you’re trying to buy tickets, please be patient and check back soon. If you’re looking for info about an upcoming show please email our venues directly.”

From Pearl Street Warehouse:

“You may have noticed we’ve been experiencing some technical difficulties with our website over the past two days. All Ticketfly-powered websites have been affected and PearlStreetWarehouse.com is down. In the meantime, if you’re trying to buy tickets to a Pearl Street Warehouse show, please call us directly at (202) 380-9620.

“In light of these difficulties, tonight’s show featuring Roosevelt Dime and Goodnight Moonshine will be on the house with complimentary admission for the first 250 guests. Refunds for advance purchased tickets will be issued automatically once the Ticketfly site is back up. Doors open tonight at at 7pm and the show starts at 8pm.”

Concert halls ask for our patience while Ticketfly resolves the issue!


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