Home Preview Livestream Preview: Sunny Sweeney @ Facebook Live, 4/25/20

Livestream Preview: Sunny Sweeney @ Facebook Live, 4/25/20


Sunny Sweeney (Photo courtesy True Grit Management)

Sunny Sweeney plays a set of her favorite Loretta Lynn songs on Saturday, April 25, via Facebook Live.

On Facebook recently, Sunny expressed how excited she is to perform this set of covers by Loretta Lynn.

“This is gonna be the highlight of my quarantine. Guaranteed,” Sunny wrote.

She added, “Even if these songs were put out now on the radio, they would still be ahead of their time. She is a trendsetter for a lot of women singers and songwriters simply by singing and writing about what she knows. I would like to think her influence on me shows thru my songs.”

“She gave me the best advice ever 11 years ago the first time I got to open shows for her… she said, ‘Baby, do this job until you stop feeling butterflies when you walk on stage… if the butterflies go away, that’s when you know to look for something else to do.’ I literally think of that at every single show we do. There are some nights where I’m legit nervous walking on stage in some huge arena, and I repeat her words to myself and say, ‘this means this is what I’m supposed to be doing.’ She is the queen as far as I’m concerned…back then and still now.”

Sunny most recently released Trophy, her fourth studio album, in 2017.

Watch the official music video for “Bottle by My Bed” by Sunny Sweeney on YouTube:

Last December, Parklife DC’s Mark Engleson caught Sunny in concert at City Winery DC. Mark found the show raucous and witty, calling it “a highly entertaining evening.”

Text SUNNYLIVE to 31996 to join the VIP list. (If she shares the setlist, you’ll be first to know!)

Follow Sunny Sweeney on Facebook.

Sunny Sweeney Sings Loretta Lynn
Facebook Live
Saturday, April 25
Show @ 7pm ET
Pay What You Can
All ages


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