Home Around Town Don’t Miss: SAVOR: An American Craft Beer and Food Experience @ National...

Don’t Miss: SAVOR: An American Craft Beer and Food Experience @ National Building Museum, 6/3-6/4/16


Beer Day 09
A Right Proper Astral Weeks sits on the handle of a Foeder oaken fermentation vessel.

Looking for weekend plans? Like beer? You’re in luck! Remarkably, limited tickets are still available for general admission to the annual SAVOR: An American Craft Beer and Food Experience event at the National Building Museum (401 F St. NW, DC) for Friday, June 3.

Some interesting insight into the diverse lineup of beers and accompanying food available at this year’s event:

  • 70% of 2016 breweries were not at SAVOR 2015 (53 of 76 breweries)
  • 50% of the 76 breweries have never been in SAVOR
  • 28 states and Washington, D.C. are represented
  • 20% of the participating breweries won an award at the 2016 World Beer   Cup 
  • 101,100 of small bites prepared over two nights (plus oysters and cheeses)
  • 500+ pounds of artisanal cheeses served
  • 15,000 bites of cheese consumed over two days
  • 3,100+ total oysters shucked
  • 35 volunteers onsite

Beer Day 08

Here at Parklife DC, we are big boosters of our local breweries, so I wanted to highlight a few select local breweries and their food pairings from the Savor website:

DC Brau Brewing
On the Wings of Armageddon – Imperial IPA
Paired with: Duck breast, radicchio, cherry saba
Intense hops are calmed by the duck breast and the deep roast of the duck skin, while the radicchio shows that a well-balanced IPA can pair bitter to bitter.
Brau Pils – Pilsner
Paired with: Grilled peach, smoked farro, tarragon
Subtle grilled notes of the peach pull the noble hop aromas to the palate, while the smoked farro plays into a clean grain finish.

Right Proper Brewing Company
Diamonds, Fur Coat, Champagne – Berliner Weisse
Paired with: Pork tenderloin, mashed rutabaga & apple, caramelized onion
The initial sharp, sour bite from the beer is tamed by the rutabaga, while the slight Belgian and floral notes complement the pork.
Astral Weeks – Sour/Wild Ale
Paired with: Oyster hushpuppies, pickled onions
Intensely crisp notes from the beer along with a hint of salt cut right to the richness of the hushpuppy, while the acidity of the pickled onions brings out a lemony, clean finish.

Port City Brewing Company
Downright Pilsner – Pilsner
Paired with: Pork schnitzel, lingonberry, red cabbage
Crisp, clean Pilsner flavors are enhanced by the crisp texture of the pork, while the carbonation and herbal hops play off the lingonberry sweetness.
Colossal V – Old Ale
Paired with: Vanilla custard, lemon & raisin tuile
The vanilla custard extends the experience on your palate. Delicate hints of lemon and raisin in the tuile bring out stone fruit flavors for a richer finish.

Limited tickets for Friday’s Grand Tasting are still available, meaning you can still take advantage of unlimited 2-oz. tastings of a lot of different beers from around the country in the general admission hall. Check out a few select specialized salon sessions still available Saturday also!

Tickets are available online.

SAVOR Craft Beer
National Building Museum
Friday, June 3 to Saturday, June 4
7:30-11pm daily


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